I made a big advance in clarifying the barriers or hurdles preventing user satisfaction. The previous blog entry #92 describes some of that brain work. It’s a work in progress. When these hurdles are removed or addressed, users have decreased bailout or bad bounce rate metrics.
The first hurdle is
This is load speed and image optimization. There are tools online for measuring and tweaking this. The benefit is not conscious to the visitor (transparency). No one notices a fast page –only slow ones.
Second hurdle is
Presently, UXers use interviews to evaluate this parameter. This is a body language judgment. It is not logical but emotional reaction and happens in the first 50 milliseconds. Visitors don’t even need to use the site before making this judgment. It’s purely visual –at-a-glance. If the reaction is negative, people will be tempted to bail out.
Third, web
Attention can be checked with compliance to readability standards (100%E2R) and hierarchy of design elements. But eye tracking tests already exist to assist. Scarcity of attention comes from user impatience and intolerance. There are online “eye tracking tests” that don’t even require user feedback. A screengrab is submitted. Contrast and placement are then evaluated by machine based on how a human would react.
I propose each hurdle can be ranked, weighted, and summary score derived for overall site toxicity / quality rating. I’ve used a similar method for judging the quality of product names. The three hurdles are interactive and synergistic.