10 NON-RICH MEDIA: Stretching dollars in design means embracing and leveraging limitations.

Going LoBand gives web designers a chance—and a reason—to experiment. In the view of many designers, a LoBand approach doesn’t have to be confined to projects that are cash-restricted. It may just be the right approach in terms of aesthetics. “Handcrafted” simplicity in LoBand web design speaks of a straightforward approach. Handmade and hightouch are common threads in lofi projects.

Distortion and visual noise—either as a result of a production technique or a deliberate artistic choice—are hallmarks of LoBand. It feels more authentic.

Inherent in the LoBand style is an emotional resonance. Often there are references to the past. LoBand can seem more spontaneous. “Mistakes” become a desirable part of the look, which can give LoBand graphics a more honest tone to serve to the client’s message.

Budget limits can be effectively and successfully linked via a lofi strategy. Environmentalism and LoBand are a particularly good match, to limit the use of slick materials and go LoBand. The LoBand approach can grab and hold attention, standing out in a slick world as a reaction against all that is super-polished and prepackaged.

LoBand for many designers, is a backlash against overproduced style and work that is too glossy-looking (Web 2.0 style, for example). LoBand offers an inspired way to use design within budget constraints.

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